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Positive Pay

Prevent Daily Check Fraud and Errors

Stop a problem before it starts by checking for check fraud errors with the additional fraud control of Positive Pay. Positive Pay compares your issued checks against those presented for daily payment and reports any discrepancies to you. You’ll be immediately aware of any discrepancies potentially leading to fraud losses or disruption of payments to your valuable vendors or customers.

On the days you issue checks, simply consolidate your check-issued les and send the information to us electronically. Positive Pay matches the items presented for payment against your check-issued list. Each business day, an online report is made available indicating any discrepancies found.

Positive Pay increases the likelihood of preventing forged or fraudulent checks by looking for:

  • Duplicate check numbers
  • Duplicate check amounts
  • Altered account number
  • Unreadable MICR lines
  • Heartland Bank’s Positive Pay is designed to stop a problem before it starts.

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